Top 10 Benefits Of Getting A Chiropractic Adjustment
What are the benefits of a chiropractic adjustment? Chiropractic adjustments improve your range of motion, reduce joint restrictions, and improve your overall health. Okay, that’s just three chiropractic adjustment benefits. Let’s take a look at ten more. There’s a lot that you stand to benefit from chiropractic adjustments, including chronic back pain relief. This list of 10 benefits of a chiropractic adjustment is all the motivation you need to book an appointment with our Seattle WA chiropractic practice.
1. Blood pressure
High blood pressure medications tend to cause some symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and weight loss. Chiropractic adjustments of the vertebrae do not have these negative symptoms, and the effects of the adjustments last up to 6 months, unlike other conventional treatments. Patients with high blood pressure have a lot to gain from getting chiropractic care since it has been proven effective in lowering blood pressure.
2. A chiropractic adjustment can help with neck and lower back pain
One of the top benefits of getting a chiropractic adjustment is that it reduces pain. This includes the relief of joint pain, neck pain, and lower back pain. Chiropractic care has proved to be particularly effective in the treatment of neck and lower back pain. Patients who are seeking relief from chronic lower back pain will benefit from chiropractic adjustments.
3. Scoliosis
When the spine of a patient is curved abnormally, you can say the person has scoliosis. The condition is known to cause many uncomfortable symptoms such as intense pain, a reduced range of motion, terrible posture, and even difficulty in breathing. People with this condition usually find themselves seeking any form of scoliosis treatment that can alleviate the symptoms.
Chiropractic adjustments of the vertebrae can help to improve the health of a scoliosis patient. Even though the effects vary from one patient to another, it is still worth the try since there aren’t many options available for the treatment of this disease.
4. Sciatica
Sciatica is a very painful condition that occurs due to an irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body that extends from the spinal cord to the back of the thigh. When this nerve is compressed, it causes radiating pain that causes a great deal of discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments done by a qualified chiropractor can help realign the body, increase the range of motion, and reduce the restrictions in the joint.
5. Reduce inflammation
Inflammation usually causes muscle tension, joint pain, and so many other issues. Unfortunately, it is also associated with several diseases such as high blood pressure and cancer. Adjustments from a chiropractor help to effectively reduce chronic inflammation. When you see a Seattle chiropractor for your inflammation, you’ll experience reduced muscle tension and relief from persistent joint pain.
6. Headache relief
You’ll hardly find anybody who has never experienced a persistent, uncomfortable headache. Headaches are common, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying. If you are a victim of constant headaches, you’ll find the specialized care from a chiropractor beneficial.
7. Improvement of symptoms of neurological conditions
Many neurological conditions like epilepsy happen when there is a significant shortage of blood flow to the brain. Even low cerebral spinal fluid can trigger neurological disorders as well. What chiropractic adjustments do is that they help to improve the amount of blood flow to the brain and cerebral spinal fluid. This improves the symptoms of neurological conditions.
8. Children health benefits
Yes, children need chiropractors too. Chiropractic involves non-invasive treatments that can help to keep your child’s health in a good state. Children usually face diseases that make them irritable and restless. Some of the three conditions in children that a chiropractor can help most with are colic, ear infections, and acid reflux.
Colic is associated with abdominal discomfort and gas, which causes young children and babies to be very uncomfortable. This illness makes the infant so uncomfortable that they tend to cry for extended periods.
Acid reflux and ear infections can occur when there is a problem with the nerves in the gut and head. When the chiropractor adjusts, it helps to improve the gut-brain connection effectively. This will improve the immune system of the child and treat any ear infection or acid reflux. No parent wants to see their child suffer, so if you have a child with any of the conditions mentioned above, please take them to a chiropractor.
9. Improved athletic performance
Athletes stand to gain a lot from getting regular chiropractic adjustments. It helps to reduce pain, inflammation and also reduce muscle tension. All these play a significant role in keeping the body in great shape, resulting in better athletic performance.
10. Vertigo
Feelings of dizziness or nausea are common signs of a head injury. People with vertigo find it difficult to perform their daily activities efficiently. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce the frequency of these vertigo symptoms so that the patient can live a more normal life.
This list is comprehensive enough and should stir you up to take action to see a chiropractor. If you need adjustment from chiropractor services, please contact us. You should schedule an appointment with us right away to start enjoying the benefits of chiropractic adjustments. Your decision to get chiropractic care will significantly improve the quality of your life. We can assure you that getting chiropractic adjustments is one of the best investments for excellent health.
- (206) 783-6000